Nebraska Mesonet provides daily, weekly and annual liquid precipitation data for Nebraska - go to Nebraska Mesonet to view precipitation total maps using the dropdown menu. The latest info about this concern can be viewed on our Central Indiana Drought Information page. We have included the former location names (AKA=also known as) for your convenience in locating previous sites. Precipitation Scorecard for Indianapolis News Headlines Moisture deficits and impacts from drought are growing in Indiana. The locations listed in this table are more specific than the table used prior to April 20, 2017. See also: - Monthly Rainfall by Season - Downtown Los Angeles - Record Wettest & Driest Seasons & Wettest Days - Downtown Los Angeles - Total Rainfall by Season vs. Sort Data By Gauge Drop Down: Press the link. Use this drop down list to select the data you want to display on the map. Jump below to precipitation data for individual Nebraska sites. Downtown Los Angeles (USC Campus) 1877-2022 Rainfall at the Getty Center. LCRAs Hydromet system uses gauges throughout the Lower Colorado River basin to supply real-time information concerning streamflow, current lake levels, recent rainfall amounts, and current temperatures throughout the basin. Closest National Weather Service (NWS) office.

To view data for winter precipitation/snow events, check Note Regarding Winter Data: These maps include winter measurements of liquid precipitation, but not snow events. Visit these source websites for additional and historical weather data. The following liquid precipitation maps and data include information from weather stations throughout Nebraska, as provided by the Nebraska Mesonet and Nebraska State Climate Office, and throughout the seven-state High Plains Region, including Nebraska, Kansas, South Dakota, North Dakota, most of Iowa, and parts of Wyoming and Colorado, as provided by the High Plains Regional Climate Center.